Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Dota 2 Treasure of the Sunken Maiden and Treasure of the Shattered Hourglass, New treasure from dota 2 
If you open the box, you will get some pretty good items, I hope you are lucky when unboxing this treasure.

Treasure of the Shattered Hourglass

This treasure contains one of the following items:
Eul's Scepter of the Magus
Rigwarl's Spiny Demeanor
Defiled Stinger
Tentacles of Nether Reach
Heretic Enclave
Thunder Rogue's Braid
Scrapper's Helm
Flail of the Drunken Cask

In addition, this treasure has a chance of containing:
Aged Spirit of Tide

Treasure of the Sunken Maiden

This treasure contains one of the following items:
Tormentor's Diadem
Luscious Locks
Berserker's Nethersteel Barbute
Crown of the Merciless
Malefic Nether Focus
Soothsayer's Spectral Strands
Moonrider's Lucent Headdress
Thorned Mane

In addition, this treasure has a chance of containing:
Scientific Curiousity
Scribbins the Scarab

I Think there is no unusual courier in this box, I don't know why extremely rare ( unusual courier ) has been removed by valve. Many old box don't give chance for us to get unusual courier. :D. If u are felling lucky today, try to unboxing this treasure.

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